How much do you know about On-page SEO?

Every day we all listen and talk more about positioning on search engines. When we talk about it, we actually talk about SEO (search engine optimization.) One of the first considerations to keep in mind is that there are two main ways to work on SEO: off-page and on-page. In this post, we will talk about the latter. What is on-page SEO? Basically, it is the set of optimizations that can be carried out on a website with the aim of improving the organic positioning on search engines. This means that on-page SEO depends directly on those who are interested in it, since they control their websites and they know what to post and what kind of visitors they want.

Simply put, on-page SEO aims to give a hand to search engines (mainly Google,) so that they can index your website as fast as possible and rank it according to your interests. Thanks to on-page SEO, you can give Google instructions about what you want about your website.

Some people feel that there is no need to help Google in the indexing process. After all, we are talking about a giant like Google. Well, that is a mistake. Even though Google will classify your website or blog, since it needs to offer answers to the needs of users in their search of information, maybe Google ends up by classifying and positioning your website in the kind of searches you don’t want. Therefore, on-page SEO allows you to control that part of the indexing process: that Google users can find your website more easily.
In order to perform a good optimization, you must carry out a series of activities. All of them are important, but some are more necessary than others. The first thing to keep in mind is that it is more convenient to have few good quality content than tons of poor texts, images, videos, etc. You can position yourself well without publishing hundreds of articles. Appeal to useful and quality contents and people will find you.

The second matter is keywords. If you’re minimally involved with SEO, you’ll know that they’re critical to position any content on search engines. Of course, you should be careful not to overuse them, because this can lead to penalties from Google. Your keywords should be naturally present in the contents of your website. In this way, Google will understand the theme of your website or blog.

The next thing you need to understand and learn how to handle are tags. Tags are words that group related articles. They define the contents of articles that provide more information than a mere search category.

Don’t overuse tags either. It is advisable to include between 2 and 6 (top.) Defining a tagging strategy improves search engine positioning due to the existence of new websites of relevant content. So, it is important to define which tags you will use in each of your posts. Don’t improvise here.

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Another important issue is, of course, the title of your website. The title is perhaps the definitive element in the process of indexing and positioning in terms of on-page SEO. In fact, Google considers the title as one of the most significant factors to know, classify and recommend.

Just like in books and movies, the title of a website is its main description. Its banner. Therefore, the title must be related to the content and be consistent with it. If your website sells flower seeds, your title should not include “free landscaping tips.” If you are trying to attract visitors with this silly trick, your visitors will realize - and Google shortly after - that your title does not correspond to your content. Then you will lose visits. You do not visit a lobster restaurant to order tofu. It’s that simple.

Finally, although there are more techniques to improve the on-page SEO of your website, do not stop working on the links, both internal and external.

Link to your internal pages using keywords in the anchor text. Never forget to link pages related to the subject of your article. You can also link to a website that you find interesting at the end of each article. Control your internal links, to discover if you have very important pages that receive few internal links or vice versa, and do something to fix it.

On the other hand, external links, as the name implies, are those that point to pages outside your own website. What should you do? First of all, do not link just because it looks cool: do it when it’s justified, to reinforce your article or because the landing page may interest your visitors. If you do not want to lose your visitors, the landing page may open in a new window or tab, allowing the visitor to keep browsing your website.

Same with off-page SEO, on-page means a steady job, which requires a permanent update.
